Making Manchester has been broadcast on Mondays at 0900 GMT on scheduled dates starting on 11 January 2016 on ALL FM 96.9 and online at

Each programme will also be available indefinitely on Mixcloud, available online anytime.

Links have been added below as each recording has become available.

  1. The Venice of the North.
  2. Manchester on track.
  3. The epic engineering behind a glass of Manchester tap water – special live broadcast also featuring a live interview with Kathleen Harrison about the ICE North West Annual Awards.
  4. The seaport 40 miles from the sea – Part 1.
  5. The seaport 40 miles from the sea – Part 2.
  6. Moving Manchester: Planes, trams and smart motorways – extended cut.
  7. Theatres of Dreams: The civil engineering behind a great sporting city.
  8. Theatres of Dreams – Part 2.
  9. The skills gap and the engineers of tomorrow.